Further resources:
- Adva Network Security:
"Our real-world use-case ... Encrypted layer 1 optical transport solutions (OTNsec) with 10-400 Gbit/s including BSI approval"
- Arch Linux integration of libmceliece into AUR (starting 2024)
- benchmarks of software for many cryptosystems including Classic McEliece
- Botan software library (C++): many cryptosystems including Classic McEliece (starting with Botan 3.7.0 in 2025)
- Bouncy Castle software library (Java, C#): many cryptosystems including Classic McEliece
- BSI recommendations:
two cryptosystems, including Classic McEliece (mceliece460896 and larger),
"cryptographically suitable for long-term confidentiality protection" (2020);
"most conservative choices from the BSI's point of view"
"at BSI, we support international standardization of ... Classic McEliece"
"cryptographically suitable to protect confidential information on a long-term basis"
"cryptographically suitable for the long-term protection of confidential information"
- classic-mceliece-rust software library: pure Rust implementation of Classic McEliece
- Crypto4A: "Crypto4A currently uses Classic McEliece in all of its HSMs for three important use cases"
- Debian integration of libmceliece (starting 2023; scheduled for release in 2025 in Debian 13)
- Ericsson: "We strongly think NIST should standardize Classic McEliece, which has properties that makes it the best choice in many different applications. We are planning to use Classic McEliece" (2024)
- libgcrypt software library: starting with 1.11.0 (2024), includes gcrypt-mceliece patches to support Classic McEliece (mceliece6688128)
- libmcleece: file-encryption software using Classic McEliece
- liboqs software library: various cryptosystems including Classic McEliece
- mceliece-arm-m4: speed-optimized Classic McEliece software for ARM Cortex-M4
- McEliece attack challenges (started in 2019, ongoing)
- McOutsourcing: space-optimized Classic McEliece software for ARM Cortex-M4
- McTiny: fast Classic McEliece key erasure for tiny network servers
- Mullvad VPN software:
2022 announcement of Classic McEliece experiment on some servers,
2022 announcement of Classic McEliece experiment on all servers,
2023 announcement of stable support for Classic McEliece
- recommendation (2022)
of three cryptosystems, including Classic McEliece
- node-mceliece-nist software library: Node.js bindings for Classic McEliece
- Nym mixnet: "We are also putting Classic McEliece into production in Nym" (2025)
- openssh-mceliece: how to patch OpenSSH to support Classic McEliece (mceliece6688128)
- pqc-classic-mceliece: FPGA implementation of Classic McEliece
- PQClean repository: various cryptosystems including Classic McEliece
- PQConnect software (2024):
uses Classic McEliece (mceliece6960119) for static keys
- PQ-WireGuard VPN software (2020):
uses Classic McEliece (mceliece460896) for static keys
- pymceliece: Python interface to Classic McEliece, as a wrapper for libmceliece
- python-mceliece: another Python interface to Classic McEliece, as a wrapper for libmceliece
- Rosenpass VPN software (2023):
uses Classic McEliece (mceliece460896) for static keys
- Ubuntu integration of libmceliece (starting in 2024 with Ubuntu 24.04)